There it is! A building shaped like a giant penis! This is the kind of wacky thing happening in Britain right now. But wait, Britain? How the heck did you get to Britain? Well, avoiding flippant answers such as I flapped my arms and flew or I ate too much curry and somebody lit a match, here you go... This summer I decided to visit my dad. I had not seen him in the three years since the death of my mother. Sorry - you probably expected a humorous tale. I’ll try. I’d been letting work get in the way. I’d either been working, looking for work or afraid of losing my job if I came to see him. Largely I’d been afraid of the same thing earlier after I’d visited my parents a few years before that. So this time I decided I was going to go. Well, I got to Britain. On the way I left probably 7 hours before I needed to but with it being Independence Day, who know what others would have been up to that might have caused delays. Anyway - I drove through around 100 miles of thunder, lig...
A long time ago, I thought I’d been to a National Park called Chimney Rock. Thus, I decided to take me, myself and I on an outing to Chimney Rock. It transpired in the end that it wasn’t Chimney Rock but Ceaser’s Head (which has probably featured in another entry here). Having said that, I went off to Chimney Rock. As my normal workday starts at 4AM with my alarm I figured I could leave at a more relaxed 6AM and be there in time to spend the better part of the day wandering around with my camera. Thus I started out at probably about 8:30AM, going on 9AM. Funny how that kind of thing happens... The drive up was pretty easy - aside from my GPS wanting to route me along some crazy route rather than taking the most obvious route via the interstate. After a swift kick up the GPS’s arse, it decided to give me the route I wanted. That took me to the smaller roads around Lake Lure. Now Lake Lure looked wonderful. In fact it looked like a picture postcard. It also looked EXPENSIVE. Needless...