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Showing posts from March, 2013

Key West - a 5 day short break

"I am going on holiday to Key West next week. The rooms are booked and I have nobody to go with". With an invitation like that, who am I to refuse? Quickly rearranging my schedules I found two things. First that I could incorporate a week in Key West easily into my schedule as it fell quite nicely between courses I am taking (the last course gained me 91% overall) and that it also slipped nicely into a quiet spot at work. The second thing was that my schedule on my phone was screwed up. Now that never used to happen when I used a Blackberry. Sadly with Android, it happens too often - I feel I spend more time fighting Android than anything else though it does afford me the opportunity to put this blog entry in. I departed from Lexington in my SUV and parked in my friend's garage from where we took her car - largely because her car gets 30mpg while mine gets just 19mpg. With fuel prices like those in Key West which are a good 15% higher than I am used to paying, this was ...

The beach

Fred rang me one crisp early morning. Let's go down to the beach. It was bitterly cold but undaunted I hopped into my SUV and he hopped into his pose-mobile and off we zoomed from our respective domiciles. A few short hours later we arrived at the beach and what a blooming cold day it was too. I think we spent all of about 10 minutes on the beach, at severe risk of frostbite. See how well wrapped-up other beachgoers were! The sky was pretty clear and made the biting cold of the day even more penetrating than normal.  The cold didn't seem to be affecting the flowers though had I been a flower I assure you I would have been withered, wrinkly and dried-up by the intensity of the cold. Global warming is nonsense - we're in the middle of the new Ice Age. Needless to say, this wasn't the longest day trip ever. I think the drive was far longer than the time spent at the beach. Now the drive back was quite interesting... On the way back I paused for fu...