This time it was a trip purely for myself. I could lie and say I stuck a pin in the map and decided randomly to go to Macon Georgia but it wasn't so. I had to see people in Macon quite early on Friday morning. Rachel came along for company. The trip up was quite peaceful and there was hardly any traffic. I passed some very interesting things beside the road though. I should have pulled over and taken a photo but I wanted to get to my hotel before dark. As it was, I arrived just as it was beginning to go dark. The journey wasn't entirely uneventful. I'd set my in-car GPS to navigate me to the center of Macon. I'd forgotten about that until I ended up in an area where all the shops had bars over the windows and heavy-set fellows with their knuckles dragging on the ground leered ominously out of the shadows. Then, realising my error, I started using my phone to navigate me to my ultimate destination. I'd used the in-car GPS because I wanted the phone free for calls e...
Travel photography and articles from a Brit roaming wild in the American countryside. Photos of and articles about unique areas encountered.