A long time ago, I thought I’d been to a National Park called Chimney Rock. Thus, I decided to take me, myself and I on an outing to Chimney Rock. It transpired in the end that it wasn’t Chimney Rock but Ceaser’s Head (which has probably featured in another entry here). Having said that, I went off to Chimney Rock. As my normal workday starts at 4AM with my alarm I figured I could leave at a more relaxed 6AM and be there in time to spend the better part of the day wandering around with my camera. Thus I started out at probably about 8:30AM, going on 9AM. Funny how that kind of thing happens... The drive up was pretty easy - aside from my GPS wanting to route me along some crazy route rather than taking the most obvious route via the interstate. After a swift kick up the GPS’s arse, it decided to give me the route I wanted. That took me to the smaller roads around Lake Lure. Now Lake Lure looked wonderful. In fact it looked like a picture postcard. It also looked EXPENSIVE. Needless...
Travel photography and articles from a Brit roaming wild in the American countryside. Photos of and articles about unique areas encountered.