This is probably the third time in 7 winters that I have known snow fall in South Carolina. It's the second decent snowfall I've seen though. The first was barely enough to be called a heavy frost. This, however, was enough that I could go out and take some really nice photos. Because things are so far apart in this part of the US and because the roads were quite slippery, I didn't venture too far. I went as far as the old mill and wandered around there for a while - until I began to get cold which was pretty much when I called it a day.
The old mill in the snow |
The old sluicegatehouse in the snow |
The sluice mechanism |
For some unknown reason my camera had a hard time focussing here. I'm not happy with the result. This is, of course, my old Canon XT. It's usually pretty good with focus. This time I just don't know what it has done.
The house where I rent a room |
This is the house that I rent a room in. The landlady is quite nice and has a very practical approach to home security - she has a shotgun beside the front door and a gun rack in her private chambers. We get on really well and sometimes I do find her at the local rifle range where she shoots with her boyfriend.
The old sluicegatehouse |
This poor building is slowly disintegrating and nobody is giving it any of the caring, loving attention that it deserves. It can't be long now before it just collapses.
The sluice
A splash of color |
I really couldn't just go home leaving everything a dismal grey color. I had to seek out some juicy red berries.
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