I had a phonecall, from the delightful Dorothy. "Would you like to get some animal action today?" Well, what red-blooded man can resist a come-on like that? I jumped into my SUV and roared off down the road to Dorothy's house. Strangely she was both dressed and ready when I got there. She climbed into my SUV and off we zoomed. She normally drives a Camero at high speed. I prefer the more leisurely pace of my driving as opposed to white-knuckle rides. Unsurprisingly, I've never ever had a speeding ticket and am highly unlikely to get one. I never dared ask Dorothy how many she has had though as a nurse, she has a viable excuse.
So, we ended up at Columbia Riverbanks Zoo. It's a rather pleasant place full of interesting plants and animals. Some parts of it are rather Disney-esque but without the atrocious prices, the ridiculous crowds and the feeling that you're trapped in a falsehood.
Entering the zoo, we turned right and arrived at the monkey enclosure where this fine specimen was perched on a tree, waiting for lunch. These animals have hundreds of acres to roam in the wild and here they are, held captive in a very small space. It's nice to see them all but one cannot but feel sorry for them despite the fact they probably have better food and lodgings here than they ever did in the wild.
Monkey up a tree |
Continuing on, we found the lion enclosure where the lion wanted to get frisky with the lioness. Needless to say, the lioness was not amused and didn't want to play.
Gee, I'm bored... Where's Mrs Lion? |
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